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The B2B Revenue Executive Experience

Mar 10, 2020

These days, it seems romance can only be found on dating sites. If you want to find love, you need to market yourself online. And that means… choosing a picture.  


So, do you use the one 7-year-old picture of you with the perfect soft light to make an angel cry, or the one from Tuesday with you in the pizza-stained sweats?


Dawson Cochran thinks you should opt for the pizza-sweats pic every time.


Dawson, managing partner at ValueSelling Associates, came on the show today to talk about how powerful imperfection and authenticity can be in sales. So, naturally, the dating profile conundrum came up. 


Dawson says, while the pizza-sweats photo may not be as enticing, at least it’s honest. It’s genuine. It’s you. And any relationship based on authenticity will be stronger, whether it’s a romantic, platonic or business relationship. 


We talked a lot about how to harness the power of imperfection, going over:


- Why authenticity in sales is hard, but worth it


- Why people need room to fail


- How overcoming adversity reveals character


For the entire interview, you can listen to The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.


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