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The B2B Revenue Executive Experience

Dec 29, 2020

Regardless of what you do, the last year’s been crazy —

COVID, protests, election madness, strange Kubrick obelisks popping up… 

But if you’re in sales, you can add another 2020 disaster to the list:

Plummeting prospecting response rates.

To find out why response rates have dropped off faster than murder-hornet...

Dec 22, 2020

Personalization is one of the most effective tools for any seller. 

Yet, scaling it often proves an enormous challenge. Why is that?

Because without authenticity, personalization is meaningless.

To find out why, I turned to the expert on personalization, Nick Casale, Director of Sales at Sendoso, a selling platform...

Dec 16, 2020

Business owners are approached by so-called marketing ‘experts’ daily and pressured to buy unrealistic solutions. 

This can be exhausting, costly, and valueless.

But what if that wasn’t the standard?

Marketing can be profitable, have a return on investment, and give insights to make data driven decisions. 


Dec 9, 2020

In the last 6 months, when was the last time you felt the fatigue of being online?

  1. Today
  2. Yesterday
  3. Last Week
  4. All of the above

If you answered D, you are not alone! 

Today, on this episode of the B2B Revenue Executive Experience, I caught up with Ana Raynes, CEO of Simplified Impact, to discuss the power of...

Dec 1, 2020

Prospects are bombarded daily with messages pressuring them to buy.

That can get pretty exhausting. 

Even if you’ve got a product they need, people don’t buy products. They buy the results the product will give them.

You’re in sales; your job is to sell. I get it. 

But what if selling for the sake of selling...